
The intrinsic value of original woodwork, whether due to it's age or non replaceable attributes, is in most cases more than any modern replacement piece could or should be. Wood is a beautiful medium and is very conducive to manipulation by man and machine. Wood is an environmentally sustainable product that is cost effective. Original wood and mill working is highly repairable, refinishable and restorable compared to most other mediums such as stone, marble, or glass. It is truly an insult against mother nature and our society as a whole, when, with some knowledge and experience, fine old wood pieces are destroyed instead of preserved.
Restoring Woodwork
Heritage Restoration and Design, established in 1820, has earned a respected reputation for the quality restoration of antique woodworking including home furniture, courthouse/church benches and pews, historic mill-working, wood light fixtures, picture frames, capitals and columns as well as many other items. Our trained and skilled staff utilize numerous techniques, many developed in and unique to our studio, to regularly produce results beyond the expectations of the most demanding clients such as collectors, dealers, auction houses, art foundations, historic building owners and discerning individuals.
Some of Heritage’s restoration techniques include:
- Dutchman Repairs
- Custom Millwork 3-D Carving
- Profile Pattern Matching
- Wood Species and Grain Matching
- Re-amalgamation
- Historical Finish Blending
- Antiquing and Aging Processes
- Stabilizing and Filling Decaying Woodwork
- Broken Wood Re-construction
Our staff’s ability to blend old world techniques with modern day processes is truly unique.
Delivery, Onsite, Pickup, or Storage
The individual and specific needs of our clients are always foremost in our minds. Our 54,000 square foot building offers our clients the ability to drop off, store, and pickup their wood items at a single location. Heritage’s staff will help to safely unload and store these pieces until the project is ready for the restoration and repairs. We offer a climate controlled storage for millwork, which is critical for maintaining the structure and value of old wood. Our services include delivery and pickup. Our staff will go to your location, load and pack all items for safe travel to our shop. Large projects require special vehicles, packing, loading and unloading, and storage elements. Many projects result in the removal of mill-work, tagging and bundling, then shipping to our location for storage and restoration. We prefer to do all work at our facility under strict environment and safety conditions. When items are returned to the client, they are installed with no further work required.

We carry specialized insurance while items are in our possession or while traveling to and from the clients site, throughout the United States.
Project Tracking
Over the years, we have been involved in many sensitive restoration projects, in which the restored material must be returned to the client and installed to their exact original location. It may appear to be a bewildering task to most clients and is both very labor intensive and easily prone to errors in record keeping. Heritage has developed methods, software and tracking systems to help ensure that restored material is installed in exactly the same location it was removed from. Ranging from real time reporting to monthly inventory/progress reporting, Heritage can provide information when you need it to make critical job-site decisions.
If you have already started your own cataloging process, coordinate your plan with HRD’s years of project experience to ensure a smooth functioning restoration from start to finish. Put our experience to work for you.
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