3D Scanning and CNC tools are critical elements of Heritage Restoration's workflow. Utilizing cutting edge technology and workflow we are able to generate an unparalled level of accuracy and productivity. CNC technologies have revolutionized the manufacturing world with regards to large scale production, but we have taken it to the next level. Heritage offers cost effective CNC at the single item and small production run level. All of this is made possible by our custom CNC scanning and modeling workflow. Our skilled and knowledgable staff have the capibilities to take your dream and turn it into reality.
3D Scanning
3D scanning is not only a critical tool to manufacturing but a tremendous resource to the design world. Heritage has the tools and knowledgable staff to scan your items. We can scan items ranging in size from a coffee cup to a building. The 3D data can be integrated with all types of layout and modeling software to give your design a professional feel. Put our servers and staff to work for you, building professional models that sell the point to your clients.

Archiving for the Digital Age
Do you have something special that you want to preserve through the digital age? Talk with Heritage's staff about scanning your historical item to be shared with digital audiences or for archival purposes. Do not waste an opportunity to save a piece of history for a future generation.
3D Modeling
3D modeling and design layout has been a considerable component of our business for the past decade. We are now offering prototyping and modeling services to the design and architecture marketplaces. Do you have a "widget" that you need modeled for a presentation? Do you need something rendered and made look life like or semi-life like? Do you need to build a quick 3D display app for the web? Do you need some custom elements for revit? If you answered yes to any of the above items, Heritage has products and services for you.
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